After fishing Hooper Branch (new creek #972), a little tributary of Snowbird Creek that enters where Snowbird runs into Lake Santeetlah, I headed up towards West Buffalo Creek. Little Buffalo Creek is a headwater tributary of West Buffalo Creek in Graham County and is managed by NCWRC as wild trout waters. Little Buffalo Creek and Squally Creek (also wild trout water) come together to form West Buffalo Creek (hatchery-supported water). When I got in at the confluence of the two, I remembered being there before. Sure enough, I fished Squally right there almost exactly thirteen years ago (6/15/07). I also fished a little ways up Little Buffalo at that time, but did not catch any. This time around, the wild rainbows were very willing, and I caught over 20 on dries and nymphs, along with a stocked brook trout up from West Buffalo. It is a beautiful, surprisingly open little creek, and I had a blast.
Little Buffalo Creek slideshow: